We are all currently experiencing challenging and uncertain times. Many people lost their loved ones, others lost their jobs, children experienced very particularly back to school time. Within 6 last months, the world changed and our lives will never be the same again. Lately, I’ve been receiving several messages from our community that they experience a high level of anxiety, or feel overwhelmed by these uncertain times.
In this blog post, I would like to share with you 5 practical tips on how to cope with uncertainty:
1. Enjoy the little steps
Avoid being too demanding of yourself. Break up the big plans and goals into small steps. Adapt your goals to your current situation. My business is also impacted by this pandemic and basically, all the planned lived events were canceled. I still learn how to adapt to this new situation; but when I feel low, I remind myself of my mentor’s advice: ‘Always keep in mind that every little step counts.’
2. Cultivate hope
Create a daily ritual of expressing gratitude for what you already have and people who are here for you. And despite all this uncertainty cultivate hope.
3. Focus on what you can control.
When the world feels overwhelming, scary, or simply too much, focus on the things that you can control. Download the PDF exercise HERE and take a moment to reflect on your current situation.
4. Journal
Dr. James Pennebaker’s research shows that practicing 15-minute expressing writing has a positive impact on our physical and emotional wellbeing. Practicing expressive writing is very simple. Set aside 15-minutes. And use this time to write freely about an issue that’s causing anxiety or pain.
5. Reinforce emotional self-care
In such a challenging period, it’s crucial for our emotional health to recharge. Take at least 15 minutes for yourself every single day. Breathe, go for a walk, listen to your favorite relaxing music. If you enjoy creativity, join our online creative self-care club which contains four different creative self-care assignments. Give yourself permission to reconnect with yourself!
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